Quick solution of problems concerning the turbochargers and analysis of damages.
If you think that your vehicle may have an issue with its turbochargers, think about it before replacing it, because a damage to the turbochargers may be due to problems to the engine or exhaust, instead of being the cause.
A loss of power, noise while in operation, excessive smoke or oil consumption may be caused by a defect in the fuel injection system, shrinking or clog in the air filter, a damage to the exhaust system or lubrication issue. Therefore, before replacing the turbochargers, fill out the diagnostic check list below.

- Make sure that the filter, hoses and pipes are clean and in good conditions.
- Make sure the fuel injection system is in good conditions and properly adjusted. Make sure that the engine management system (ECU unit) features the latest software updates.
- Check that the exhaust system, including catalyst and DPF (diesel particle filter) is not clogged or damaged.
- Check that the pipes and support brackets are not loosened or damaged and the connections are in good conditions.
- Check the presence of leaks or cracks in the intercooler.
- Check that the air filter are not shrinked or clogged.
- Make sure the technical specifications of the engine oil perfectly correspond to the recommendations of the car manufacturer.
- Make sure the oil draining pipe is clean and did not shrink.
- Make sure there is not excessive pressure in the engine’s casing and the engine’s exhaust system works properly.
- Make sure the hoses and joints are in good conditions.
- Make sure no lubrication issues are present in the engine block, in case oil or carbon deposits are found in the exhaust manifold or turbine’s inlet.
If no obvious causes are found, make sure the expert technician of the turbochargers implements an in-depth troubleshooting program. The causes of the damage to the turbochargers usually fall within four categories::
Foreign object
Damage to the compressor wheel or variable geometry, caused by small objects that enter inside the turbine or compressor’s compartment at high speed.
Lack of lubrification
Damages caused by the wear of the turbochargers and transfer of material caused by the metal-metal friction, high temperatures caused by the shrinkage of the oil supply inlet, improper positioning of the gasket and use of liquid gaskets or lubricants of poor quality.
Oil contamination
Damage to the bearings of the turbochargers usually caused by a high concentration of suspended carbon in the oil, caused by irregular filter and oil changes or lack of maintenance. The damage to the bearings may also be due to metal particles generated by the engine wear or fragments of steel suspended in the oil after a major activity is carried out on the engine.
Excessive speed and temperature
Damage to the turbochargers caused by stress exceeding the foreseen parameters or outside the technical specifications of the vehicle’s manufacturer. Maintenance problems, engine failures or non-authorised changes to performances may push the rotation speed of the turbochargers beyond the operating limits, causing faults due to fatigue of the compressor and turbine.
Alumetal Turbochargers SA
Via Cereda 3 CH 6828 Balerna (Switzerland)